Exercise of The Week: Cross Behind Lunge


This weeks exercise is the cross behind lunge. This is one of those exercises that are really easy to do and give you nice results. If you are an uncoordinated mess like I am sometimes, just take your time doing this exercise. Once you get used to it you shouldn’t trip over your own two feet. Or worse tip over (It was more than a year ago when I first started working out…cut me some slack!), I used to be much more of a spaz! Now back to the exercise, and how you can successfully do it.

Start off with a small dumbbells in each hand, hold them at your sides facing inward like on picture A.  Now move your foot forward and to the side like you are trying to do a curtsy. Lower your body down until your front knee bends and is at a 90 degree angle (if your knee hurts when you try this, do not lower your body as deep). You should look like B. Pause for at least 5 seconds and then go back to start position. Repeat  this exercise with your other leg like in C. While doing this exercise make sure that you also engage your core every time you dip down. That really is all there is to it! If you are just beginning to start working out just start off with 10 reps as you get more comfortable increase reps and the size of your weights.

If you need other exercises to try I placed a few below and if you really want a challenge try one of the 30 day challenges. 🙂

Other Exercises:

Basic Lunge
Frog Jump
Jackknife sit-up
Bent Over Row
30 Day Fitness Challenges:
Jackknife sit ups
Russian Twist
Dumbbell squat thrust

About Euni

I love reading all kinds of books but have no one to share them with....that was until now. My favorite genre's are: Cozy mysteries, Fantasy, Horror, and thrillers.

Posted on April 9, 2014, in Exercise of the week, Fitness and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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